MACD 5.bin
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Text File
335 lines
\\ // /\ /\ /\ |\ || XXXXXXXX XXXXXX
\\ // //\\ //\\ //\\ |\\ || || ||
\\// // \\ // \X/ \\ ||\\ || || ||
\/ // \\ // \\ || \\ || |XXXX ||
|| /XXXXXXXX\ // \\ || \\ || || ||
|| // \\ // \\ || \\|| || ||
|| // \\ // \\ || \\| XXXXXXXX ||
// // X X /
// X X //
// X X //
\\ X X //
\\ X X //
\\ XX X X //
(By Alfredo Soro)
Read carefully the history file. YamNet.Changes
Actually, calling to an internet server may be as cheap
as one local phone call.
But calling to a fidonet/amiganet/etc node couldn't be so
cheap if there aren't any BBS in the same city.
The best may be to have the posibility of receive and send
the mail & files of the Fidonet-like Networks in the same
call to internet if we have the luck of belong to a BBS of a
sysop which has internet mail address.
This is that this program does!
YamNet is inspired in the program YamGate by Dave Naylor.
YamNet is a program for AmigaDOS that make different
functions for the sending & receiving of packets & files of
the Fidonet-like networks:
- It encodes, in text form, binary files addressed to points
or nodes of Fidonet-like systems to be sended via e-mail
through internet.
Using, as prefered, the most standard MIME encode methotd,
the standard UUencode method, the faster and more cruched
FSCode method, or the grand PGP system.
- It decodes e-mail messages received from points or BBSs
nodes connected to our system putting the BINARY files in
INBOUND in the same way that if we have received using a
mailer like 'TrapDoor', 'GMS_Mailer' or 'Gotcha'.
- It Returns one receipt for every file of any message
sended using YamNet to inform that it has been processed
correctly in INBOUND.
- It Deletes from the YAM's (Yet Another Mailer) SENT
e-mails message base every message referred in every receipt
- It cleans receipts from the SENT e-mails messages base
(after to have been sent)
- Resend message if the file is bad received in destination.
YAM 1.3.4+ (by Marcel Beck) -- YAM13_4.lha 503 Kb
PGP 2.6.3i(Amiga: by Peter Simons) -- PGPAMIGA-2.6.3IS.LHA 426911
rexxtricks.library 38.6 (by Jürgen Kohrmeyer)-- rexxtricks.library 49796
reqtools.library (by Nico François) (i) reqtools.library 45156
rexxreqtools.library 37.95+ (i) rexxreqtools.library 11664
Base64Coders V1.3 (By Edmund Vermeulen) (i) Base64Coders.lha 11505
FSCode 37.20 (by Flavio Stanchina) (i) FSCode 4572
rexxextra.library V2.2 (13 MAR 90) (i) Rexxtra12.lha 28867
(i) included
Install all files in its right place, copying in C: the
files: YamNet, Base64encode, Base64decode & FSCode; and in
LIBS: the files: reqtools.library, rexxreqtools.library,
rexxextra.library & rexxtricks.library
Execute YamNet or edit the file YamNet.cfg with the prefered
settings for your system saving it in S:
--- Manual configuration of S:YamNet.cfg ---
; These lines, starting with ';' are ignored by YamNet
; while it reads the configuration, but is better if you delete
; these lines for the program works faster.
; Configuration EXAMPLE of S:YamNet.cfg file
; for YamNet 3.07
; LANG = <language>
; <language> must be replaced with ESPAÑOL or ENGLISH depending
; of the language we want that use the program.
LANG = English
; TEMP = <directory>
; <directory> must be replaced with the name of preferred unit and
; drawer to save temporal files.
; This could be T: in the case of having the needed memory to process
; the files to be received or DH1:T if it is the contrary case.
; LOG = <drive:drawer/filename>
; <drive:drawer/filename> must be replaced with the filename
; that we want to use for write the logfile that is generated by
; the program.
LOG = LOGS:YamNet.log
;LOGLEVEL = <level>
; <level> indicates the information level that shows the program
; while is executed.
; LOGLEVEL = 0 [It doesn't show any information. Faster]
; LOGLEVEL = 1 [It shows information only in screen]
; LOGLEVEL = 2 [It shows information only in logfile]
; LOGLEVEL = 3 [It shows some information in screen & logfile.]
; LOGLEVEL = 4 [It shows all information in screen & logfile. SLOW]
; OUTBOUND = <drawer>
; <drawer> must be replaced with the unit name, assignment,
; or pathname to follow upto the OUTBOUND where is founded
; the files created by programs like Mail Manager, Spot, or so.
; INBOUND = <drawer>
; <drawer> must be replaced with the unit name, assignment,
; or pathname to follow upto the INBOUND where the
; ready-to-be-processed files go for be processed by the
; programs like Mail Manager, Spot, or so.
; if specified only FLO & OUT files will be processed to be
; sended via e-mail.
; If not specified also will be processed the HLO, CLO, DLO,
; DUT, HUT & CUT files
; If specified, YamNet will delete incoming receipts with its
; messages and also will delete sent receipts before the end
; of the process.
; if especified YAM will receive mail from server if is started
; from YamNet and will send all messages generated before the end
; of the process.
; If this keyword isn't used, when YamNet writes any message,
; YAM is iconified. If the keyword is used the writting
; process in YAM can be seen.
; RESEND = <number>
; Indicates the number of days to wait before re-send a file
; sent with YamNet if doesn't received the receipt. (RECIBI)
; It must be a number bigger than zero.
; DELETE = <number>
; Indicates the number of days to wait before delete a file
; sent with YamNet if doesn't received the receipt. (RECIBI)
; SUBZONA = <zone> <subject>
; two keywords:
; <zone> is the zone number or first number of every Fidonet-like address.
; <subject> is the name for every network in the zone especified.
SUBZONA = 39 AmigaE-Mail
SUBZONA = 40 AmigaE-Mail
SUBZONA = 41 AmigaE-Mail
SUBZONA = 1 FidoE-Mail
SUBZONA = 2 FidoE-Mail
SUBZONA = 3 FidoE-Mail
SUBZONA = 4 FidoE-Mail
SUBZONA = 5 FidoE-Mail
SUBZONA = 6 FidoE-Mail
; NODO = <node4D> <email@address> <code mode>
; <node4D> are the four numbers of the point or node address that wich
; we want to send the Fidonet/Amiganet/etc bundles via internet
; separated with points. (NOT = xx:xx/x.x | YES = xx.xx.x.x)
; <email@address> is the e-mail address of the especified node.
; <code mode> is the prefered method to send the binary files through
; e-mail that could be any of these four methods:
; MIME | UUin | FSCode | PGP "<Identification>"
NODO = 2.344.15.11 nobo@dyknowsw.ho FSCode
NODO = asoro@redestb.es PGP "Alfredo Soro"
NODO = 2.344.64.64 onep@tern2.donotfoll.ow MIME
NODO = canbe@thistimeor.not UUIN
The sintax:
>> YamNet
1. Executed without any argument YamNet process putting in
INBOUND the files contained in YAM's INCOMMING messages
sent using YamNet
After that, YamNet writes one receipt to the sender of
every processed message; and it deletes every SENT message
if is founded one receipt sent to your system in reply to
another previous sending of any Fidonet-like bundle.
If is received one corrupted binary file is generated one
answer message with a 'Resend-Request' and if is received a
message of this kind then is done a re-send of the message
with the file from the YAM's SENT messages archive to the
addresser of the request.
After run this program if have been received any file for
INBOUND, you must use your mailer/editor program (p.e: Mail
Manager) with the IMPORT option.
>> YamNet SAFE
2. It doesn't deletes anything after process the incoming
messages. It generates, if it's necessary, a script file
called T:YamNet.SAFE to be executed after checking the right
working of the program or test to process the same messages.
>> YamNet PURGE
3. Search only SENT receipts and Resend-Requests in YAM and
deletes it.
>> YamNet OUT
4. Transfer Fidonet-like files in text form through every
e-mail/node address configured.
This option must be used after using the EXPORT option in
Fidonet-like mailer/editor
>> YamNet GUI
.. Using GUI argument let the user select the different
options pushing buttons.
- MIME isn't a very good method because sometimes the
smallest files couldn't be decoded.
- Don't run more than one 'YamNet' at same time; it isn't healthy.
Marcel Beck -- For his Y A M (Yet Another Mailer)
Flavio Stanchina -- For his FSCode
Peter Simons -- For his PGPAmiga 2.6.3i
Nicolas Dade -- For his uuOUT & uuIN
Nico François -- For his ReqTools.library
Miguel Barnosi -- For his intense BetaTestings
Ferran Delriu -- For to be the best AMIGAn SysOp
Julio Garcia -- For to be the best Peeceer SysOp
Eugenio De Frutos -- For his support
Robert Hofmann -- For his CompressRexx
And the rest of sysops and users of AmigaNet that are going
to enjoy my program and are helping to improve it with the
using. They are NOT less important!
Read changes made to current version in YamNet.Changes file
This program is Freeware by Alfredo Soro.
I am not liable about any damage that could be done by this
Finished on 31 of December in 1996 - 04:00
For any affair you can contact with me in these addresses:
& & Fidonet CuaRed[34] Amiganet VMail NavarraNet RedBBS
&&&&&& 2:344/15 28:94/1 39:194/1 70:344/2 150:20/3 757:1202/1
&& && asoro@redestb.es -WEB: http://www.redestb.es/personal/asoro/
nyar@geocities.com http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/6442/
Electronic Mail